Published Date : 13th Nov, 2021
Published By : Admin ( Eshaas )

Thinning Hair and Hair Loss - Causes and Prevention

Men and women of all ages experience hair thinning or even hair loss and hair thinning becomes a visibly noticeable problem. Thankfully, there are treatments for hair thinning like balancing hormones, reducing stress, eating a healthy diet and more. Hair thinning or hair loss process is typically more aggressive in men as compared to women. Hair loss and hair thinning have become more common in a majority of people these days. The common symptoms of hair loss can be hair loss in the mid-frontal area of the scalp (especially for women) and it is sporadic in nature, whereas in men, it’s often noticed in the temple area and in the crown and is a clear indication of "male pattern hair loss."

Causes of Hair Loss or Thinning:
The most common cause of hair loss is hereditary. If there is a family history of baldness, then you may have this type of hair loss. The other causes of hair loss are like hormonal imbalances, thyroid issues, damage caused due to long-term application of heat and chemical treatment. There are other factors which causes hair loss are from chronic illnesses, surgeries, from nutritional deficiencies (Iron, Zinc, Vitamin D, and Protein), dandruff, oily scalp, and even traumatic events can trigger hair loss, - which can be easily corrected. In some individuals chronic stress also can be a cause, and hair thinning due to the hormone imbalance around and after pregnancy and during menopause is a routine occurrence in women. Hair loss can occur due to chemical dyes.

How to Prevent Hair Thinning and Fall:
We use soaps and shampoos for cleansing the scalp and hair, this can harm you hair and scalp health as they are too harsh. So it is recommended to use mild shampoo, one which will take away the natural oils that are present on the scalp entirely. A good conditioner should be applied every time you wash your hair. Most conditioners contains amino acids, which help in nourishing your hair and reduce breakage of hair. Nutritional deficiencies cause hair loss, so it is very important to eat a balanced diet. You should make sure you eat foods that are rich in vitamin A, C, D and E, B vitamins, zinc, iron, protein, biotin, and essential fatty acids. It is recommended that those who suffer hair loss due to hormonal imbalances need to exercise routinely for 20-30 minutes as exercise helps in balancing out your hormones. Avoid chemical treatments to keep your hair healthy as they damage your hair and scalp. Avoid hot showers and avoid combing wet hair. You need to avoid coloring your hair with chemicals and use only natural dyes. Massaging your hair helps in preventing hair fall and regrowth as well. Avoid smoking and drinking as alcoholic beverages can cause hair fall and excessive smoking decreases blood flow to the scalp. Drink lots of fluids, as dehydration has an impact on your hair health as well. Managing stress levels, studies have proven that stress can cause hair fall. So it is important you manage your stress level during tough times.

Hair is one of the first things that people notice about us. So, it is time that we put some time and effort in having a good hair care routine. While home remedies and lifestyle modification can work, it is always important to know why you are losing hair. If hair thinning or fall is caused due to underlying medical condition, it is necessary that you seek medical help immediately. These measures may result in restoring your hair.